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Membership FAQ

What are your membership options?

Click here to see membership options.

What is your Group Membership?

We offer special rates to groups of 5 or more that want to join collectively. This is suitable to small business teams, business incubators, business clubs, small business centers, networking groups etc. To see if you qualify and to find out more about our special rates, please email us at info@sabusinesshub.co.za

Why do I have to pay for membership?

As you may appreciate, much time, money and resources are invested in bringing you the resources, courses and benefits our website offers. Your membership fee ensures that we are able to continue in bringing you the latest and very best of small business resources. We constantly add new features and facilities to the website to assist our members to start and run successful businesses.

Why are your membership fees so low?

Our aim is to build a large global community of entrepreneurs and small business owners. Such a community will serve everyone involved and benefit each of the members. Most of our web based services are automated. This means that once a class or resource is developed and put in place further related cost is very low. This leaves us with being able to transfer the cost savings to our members.

How do I report an error on the site?

Please contact us at luther.diedericks@sabusinesshub.co.za with any remarks, comments or reports of errors. We aim to rectify all errors within 48 hours of the report.

I've paid for my membership but still can't access my account

You have more than likely not clicked on PayPal's "Continue" button once you'd completed your PayPal membership payment. If this is the case, please forward your PayPal receipt to webmaster@sabusinesshub.co.za so that we can activate your account.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes we do offer a 100% money back guarantee. Please see our Guarantee terms and conditions for full details.

How do I request a refund?

Please see our guarantee and refund policy.

How do I change my membership option payment?

Simply go to your profile and you are able to upgrade your membership type at any time.

I’m a new member, where do I start?

We recommend that you start by filling out our business start-up assessment if you are planning to start out in business or fill out our business health assessment if you have a running business. Following this we will email you with recommendation of where to go next. You can also talk to any of our business start-up coaches who will guide you through the next steps of creating your dream business.

Class FAQ

What is a teleclass?

A TeleClass is a conference call and is similar to a normal telephone conversation. You and 10-500 other registrants call a regular phone number in the United States (commonly in Orlando or  Las Vegas) at your class time and you are welcomed by the TeleClass Leader.
The TeleClass begins promptly at 2 minutes after the listed start time. A TeleClass is similar to a Business school discussion -- some lecture, some questions, some discussion. If this if your first time taking a TeleClass, you may wonder if and how it works. Testimonies from satisfied members prove that it works. It's highly interactive and the 'flow' works well. You can listen and absorb and/or engage in the discussion. There is always an opportunity to ask questions of the TeleClass Leader during or after the class. Most TeleClass sessions last an hour. Some TeleClasses are single units and meet once and other TeleClasses forms part of a series and meet weekly for 4 or more weeks.
You do not need a computer in order to be in the class. All you need is a phone!

Note: The cost to call one of our bridges is a standard long distance charge. There are no conferencing fees, so you would just pay your long distance carrier whatever your rates are. Most carriers charge a minimal R30-60 an hour for long distance. International members are able to use internet based services to save on telephone costs.

"What is an e-course?"

An e-course is a course that is provided through e-mail. Depending on the type of course that you are taking you may receive a lesson or part of a lesson every day, week or month. This format is easy to follow and you can progress at you own speed in your own time. A typical e-course of twenty lessons may arrive in your inbox weekly for twenty weeks, giving you the opportunity to learn when you have time and review any of the lessons at any time.

"What is a Micro Module?

A Micro Module is a quick lesson, normally containing four or five steps background information, knowledge and self-help exercises for you to master the many skills required of a successful business owner or manager.

How do I take part in a TeleClass?

If this if your first time taking a TeleClass, you may wonder if and how it works. After you register you will receive the contact telephone number (“the bridge line”). All you do is dial the number and enter the conference room details as per your joining instructions. You will then be greeted by the TeleClass leader before the class commence.

The class is highly interactive and the information 'flow' works well. You can listen and absorb and/or engage in the discussion. You can always ask questions of the TeleClass Leader. Most TeleClass sessions last an hour. Some TeleClasses are single unites and meet once and other TeleClasses forms part of a series and meet weekly for 4 or more weeks.
You do not need a computer in order to be in the class. All you need is a phone!

Note: The cost to call one of our bridges is a standard long distance charge. There are no conferencing fees, so you would just pay your long distance carrier whatever your rates are. Most carriers charge a minimal R30-60 an hour for long distance. International members are able to use internet based services to safe on telephone costs.

What is a bridge line?

A bridge line is similar to a conference call facility. It is simply a telephone line that can carry multiple users at the same time.

How do I register for a teleclass/live event?

You can register for any class by clicking on the relevant link below the description of the class in our newsletter or on the site. You can also look at our live events calendar and click on the class or event that you are interested in.

How much will it cost me to call the bridge line?

There are no conferencing fees, so you would just pay your long distance carrier whatever your rates are. Most carriers charge R30-60 an hour for long distance, so the cost is minimal.

How can I become a class leader?

We are always looking for experienced class leaders to share their practical knowledge by offering new and innovative classes to our members. Please send a email to Luther Diedericks at luther.diedericks@sabusinesshub.co.za for further information. All potential class leaders participate and graduate from our in-house certified teleclass leader program prior to becoming a class leader with us.

Where can I get the handouts for a class?

The handouts for a class will be provided together with the class recording to all members who took part in a class or who buy the recorded version of a class

What is a recorded class?

We record all of our teleclasses in MP3 format and make this available on the SA Business Hub website. This is just one of the format we offer material on the website.

What about the confidentiality of class participants?

All class participants are made aware of the fact that our classes are recorded and made available to the public. Confidential information is edited out of recorded classes upon request.

In which formats can I buy/download a recorded class?

Classes can be downloaded in MP3 format to any PC, or handheld device. Recorded classes are also made available in CD format and can be ordered through our website.

How long will I have access to a class that I have paid for?

Once you have paid for a class you will have permanent access to that class while the class remain on the SA Business Hub website.

We do reserve the right to remove old and outdated information after 5 years, from the date of placing the information on the website. Where the content is not relevant because of changes in the business environment, the class will be removed members using out dated information.

Do you have a refund policy on classes that I bought?

Yes, please refer to our refund policy.

How do I access the bridge line from outside the US?

Our bridge line facility works similar to a regular US phone number. From outside the US, simply add (your countries international dialing code) + 1 to the number.

  • The international dialing code from the UK is 00, this add 001 to the bridge line number if you are dialing from the UK.
  • The international dialing code from South Africa is 09, this add 091 to the bridge line number if you are dialing from the South Africa.
Please check with your local service provider should this not work.

Why do you use a US bridge line?

US bridge lines are currently the most effective and affordable world wide. In most cases it is cheaper for international callers to pay the call charge to the US than to use a local bridge line service.

Why could I not get access to a class?

Please check that you called in at the correct time and number as people often seem to get confused between UK time (GMT) and the time zone we use for scheduling our calls is the US (EASTERN TIME - EST). We will point this out in the class reminder that we send out, but you need to take account of day light savings time adjustments.

A link to the recorded version of this class will also be available as soon as we upload the class recording. If there were any specific questions that you were hoping to have answered, please forward these by email and we will ask the Class Leader to reply to you.

What are the time zones that you refer to in the class date and time?

Most of our classes are scheduled for United States Eastern Standard Time. This time zone is normally 5 hours behind GREENWICH MEANTIME (GMT). Please check http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ for the time difference between you time zone and US Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Where can I find our more about time zones?

We refer our members to http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ for time zone queries.

When will you be holding the classes with no date and times attached?

There is not time or date information because the class has already taken place. We regularly reschedule popular classes, so please indicate your interest by registering for the class and you will be notified as soon as a re-run of the class is being scheduled. Alternatively you can also listen to the recorded version of any of our classes.

Payment FAQ

Why do I have to pay for membership?

As you may appreciate, much time, money and resources are invested in creating and maintaining the resources and benefits our website. Your membership fee ensures that we are able to continue in bringing you the latest and very best of small business resources and courses.

Why are your membership fees so low?

Our aim is to build a large global community of entrepreneurs and small business owners. Such a community will serve everyone involved and benefit each of the members. Most of our web based services are automated. This means that once a class or resource is developed and put in place further related cost is very low. This leaves us with being able to transfer the cost savings to our members.

How can I pay for membership?

You are able to pay either a monthly or annual basis for your membership. The payments are made through the electronic payment gateway on the site. Please contact us on Luther.Diedericks@sabusinesshub.co.za if you would like to arrange for an alternative payment method.

Is your payment gateway secure?

We have gone to extreme lengths to ensure the safety and security of our online payment gateway. The issue of a secure payment facility is at the top of our agenda and we will continue to use the highest level of Internet security technology available to us. Please continue to be vigilant and aware of where and what type of payments you make online. Please notify us immediately should there be any queries or suspicious activities regarding our secure online payment gateway at Luther.Diedericks@sabusinesshub.co.za

Do you store my payment details?

We don’t store any payment details on our database. Every time you pay for anything on our site you will be required to fill in new payment details. If you are paying for your membership on a monthly basis, your details is stored by our secure online payment gateway that we use PayPal. Visit them at www.paypal.com

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes we do offer a 100% money back guarantee. Please see our Guarantee terms and conditions for full details.

How do I request a refund?

Please see our guarantee and refund policy.

I've paid for my membership but still can't access my account

You have more than likely not clicked on PayPal's "Continue" button once you'd completed your PayPal membership payment. If this is the case, please forward your PayPal receipt to webmaster@sabusinesshub.co.za so that we can activate your account.

How do I change my membership option payment?

Simply go to your profile and you are able to upgrade your membership type at any time.

Do I pay tax on your site?

Yes we are registered for VAT purposes for some of the services on our site. For further details in this regard and the issue of VAT invoices, please contact Luther.Diedericks@sabusinesshub.co.za. Some countries will allow you to re-claim some of the Value Added Tax you’ve paid to us, and we recommend that you contact your financial advisor in this regard.

Resource FAQ

How do I request additional resources to be added to your site?

We continually strive to bring you the latest and best in small business resources, courses, news and benefits. If there is anything at all that you would like to see added to our website or to your benefits as a member pleas send a email directly to Luther Diedericks at luther.diedericks@sabusinesshub.co.za

Who created the resources on your site?

Our resources is the result of a continuous combined effort of the SA Business Hub team, a wide variety of authors, teleclass creators and leaders, small business Coaches and many of our members who contribute to our site. Please feel free to send us any resources or details of content that you would like to contribute.

Affiliate FAQ

How do I become an affiliate of your site?

We appreciate that our members would tell other people about the benefits of our site, and we have instigated a reward program to reward these members for each new member joining. We call this reward program the affiliate scheme.

You can join the affiliate scheme for free. This will enable you to gain financially from each new member that join the SA Business Hub and quote your affiliate number when registering.

What is the benefits of becoming and affiliate of your site?

It is free to become an affiliate and you stand the chance of making money for your effort. Any person is able to join as an affiliate.

We will pay you a percentage of the membership fees for each new member that quote your affiliate number when registering with SA Business Hub.

How much can I earn as an affiliate?

You can earn R 297.00 for each new member that quote your affiliate number when registering with SABusinessHub. There is no restriction on the amount you can earn.

When do I get my affiliate fees?

We will pay the money by electronic transfer to your nominated bank account in the month following the registration of the new member that quoted your affiliate number during the registration process.

How do I qualify to become an affiliate?

There is no formal qualification needed to become an affiliate and joining is free. You can join as a corporate partner or an individual. Some of our affiliate members has a permanent link on their home page to our site, and they are already benefiting from the income through these referrals.

What type of affiliate support do you offer?

We are able to send you electronic versions of our logo’s and marketing identity for placement on your web page. We are also provide all affiliates with the details they need to connect to the SA Business Hub website, to ensure we record new members with your affiliate number.

What happened if the person I referred to you cancels?

The payments to your account are reviewed on a monthly basis. The payments to your account will be stopped when the membership fee of the referred person is cancelled.

How many people can I refer to you?

There is no limit to the number of people that you can refer to SA Business Hub.

What does it mean to be an affiliate?

We appreciate that our members would tell other people about the benefits of our site, and we have instigated a reward program to reward these members for each new member joining. We call this reward program the affiliate scheme.

You can join the affiliate scheme for free. This will enable you to gain financially from each new member that join the SA Business Hub and quote your affiliate number when registering.

MarketPlace FAQ’s

What is the purpose of the Marketplace?

SA Business Hub offers its members the opportunity to market their business to other members on the site. We recognise the great benefit that networking with other members of the SA Business Hub community offers your business, and that is why we launched the Marketplace.

It is simple to use the marketplace facility. It provides you with the opportunity to promote your business as well as contacting suppliers of goods and services your business requires from time to time.

It is simple and quick to add goods and services to the Marketplace and it is open to all members of SA Business Hub. We will be monitoring comments from users of your services and goods to ensure that the services and goods offered by you are of a good standard.

Viewing the offerings to all Marketplace goods and services is free to all SA Business Hub members and members are encouraged to support each other. We also ask that users of Marketplace goods and services give us feedback. This feedback helps the goods and service provider to enhance their sales services.

In summary Marketplace offers you a highly effective and relative inexpensive opportunity to market your business.

Who can add goods or services to the marketplace?

Any member of SA Business Hub can add goods and services to the Marketplace but we have the right to remove a Marketplace entry if members complain about the goods or services offered. The placement of a Marketplace entry works similar to placing an ad in a paper.

The only restriction on the Marketplace is that we only allow one entry in the Marketplace per member. If you require multiple entries please contact Ben at luther.diedericks@sabusinesshub.co.za for more details.

What are the terms and conditions of the marketplace?

We aim to keep the Marketplace as simple and easy to use as possible. SA Business Hub does not take responsibility for any goods or services offered in the Marketplace and members are taking up these goods and services at their own risk.

We do monitor feedback from members on the goods and services they use from the Marketplace, with a view of removing bad or dangerous goods and services from the Marketplace.

How do you market the marketplace?

All members are introduced to the market place when they register as a member of SA Business Hub. We will promote the Marketplace through online advertising and through our regular news letters.

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