Posted: 2013-11-21 / Author: LC Diedericks
Manage High Growth Business SeminarHave you noticed that as a high growth company people thought you were so
successful you didn'’t need help? In fact as you look around it’s almost
impossible to find anyone with a real understanding of the issues you face. As
the owner of your business you may have found your workload has increased and
despite all those new sales, you are making less money than before and you might
even be showing a loss – leaving you to wonder “is it all worth it?”
In order to help I have teamed up with Laurence Ainsworth of the United
Kingdom to exclusively offer a solution in South Africa. Click here
to read more about Lawrence and comments from people who enjoyed success working
with him.
We recognised this was a significant issue holding back some of the
potentially most exciting businesses in South Africa and we came up with a way
for you to access that expertise to deal with the pressure cooker of high
growth. We wanted to change all this so we put together a solution for both high
growth businesses and consultants who see high growth companies as a valuable
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