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There has never been a better time to start a business and in 2015 record numbers of people did just that. A survey called the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor revealed the highest number of people starting a business since research began ...

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Posted: 2005-01-14 / Author: Kevin Bidwell

Working Hard At Smart Things

"Don't work harder, work smarter."

If someone tells you that, watch your pocket-book-they are likely about to ask you for a lot of money for the magic "smarts" that will earn you millions.

Here's the reality: Success comes occasionally to those who don't work hard but work "smart," but almost everyone who succeeds takes a different tack.

They work hard at smart things.
Accept that as your "work ethic" and you will likely be successful. Work hard as well as smart.

We love to hear stories about people like Brad Fallon, who is now well on his way to earning $1 million his first year online. We fantasize about what that must be like.

But here's the part we often forget: Brad and his wife Jennifer worked very hard as well as very smart to get there. Just the shear number of orders they had to process was a huge chore.

Of course, they are now measuring profits in the tens-of-thousands of dollars as well.

[Brad is coming out with a complete step-by-step account of how they got there-it's not ready yet, but if you want to be one of the first to know, go to: ]

Everyone wants to be rich, very few people are willing to put in the work.
If you want to create a full-time income from an internet business over the next 12 months, plan on working 15-20 hours a week in most cases. Sound like hard work? Sure it is, but just consider how that initial time will change your life:
You can quit a job you despise and finally have the time and money to live your life the way you have always wanted.

You can be a part of your children's lives as they grow up, rather than being too exhausted to really participate. You can spend your time concerned with the bigger issues of life, rather than being consumed with work, bills and just getting by.

Trust me, it's worth it.
Kevin Bidwell is owner of Success Secrets Course:

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